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    Audience analysis — The 30,000-foot-view you need to sell and market to the C-suite

    October 11, 2021

    Is your executive engagement strategy built on personas? 

    Building and leveraging personas is common practice in marketing today, particularly in the world of ABM. The intention is to use that persona to create content, email campaigns, social media and events designed to resonate and streamline a path to engagement. But, just because something becomes common practice doesn’t make it the best strategic approach. Personas certainly have their shortcomings — largely because they limit you to hypotheticals.

    And in the world of executive engagement, where personalization and relevance is key, they’re just not good enough. 

    We built the Audience Analysis dashboard in our BI PRO℠ platform — an advanced version of our game-changing BI SIGNATURE℠ service — to offer a better solution for ABM marketers looking for real insights into the executives their targeting. Consider it audience analysis on steroids.


    What does that look like?

    Our Audience Analysis dashboard offers you a 30,000-foot view across the groups or accounts you’re targeting: It leverages the insights and intelligence in our database of 28,000+ executive profiles to create an overview of top business priorities and common threads. It maps executives by location and by country of origin, and it offers a glimpse of the most connected executives across the groups you’re targeting. 

    In short, it pulls together real, accurate insight into the executives you’re targeting so you no longer have to rely on educated guesses. You can build an executive engagement strategy with the highest probability of success — because it’s crafted from an understanding of your actual prospects.

    How can Audience Analysis inform ABM strategy and executive engagement? 

    • You could use the Business Priorities overview to design communications, content and event agendas that will resonate with your prospects. For example, if the executives you’re targeting are most focused on cybersecurity, create an event that pulls together cybersecurity leaders for in-depth conversations on the industry as a whole. That will give your target audience access to the most cutting-edge insights, and you gain the reputation as a company that provides value (while you close a six- to seven-figure deal).

    • Use the list of top Hobbies to guide decisions around social events and executive sponsorship alignment. If skiing tops the list for your group of executives, for instance, host an intimate ski retreat, giving your prospects an opportunity to have fun while making valuable connections. That may sound like a significant investment, but imagine the time and money you will save by focusing on activities that resonate with your target audience.

    • Use the top Organizations to uncover networking and executive-to-executive relationship-building opportunities. Say P&G tops the list of organizations common to your target executives. Survey your own team to understand if any internal leaders worked there around the same time. You could leverage that relationship for a warm introduction, which opens the door to bigger opportunities down the road.

    Information is power, and we built the Audience Analysis dashboard inside our BI PRO℠ platform to ensure you have access to as much of it as possible. Your sales team will thank you, and the results will speak for themselves. 

    Want to see what you could gain from an upgraded BI experience? Schedule a custom demo today.

    Schedule a quick, custom demo!


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    Sharon Gillenwater

    About the Author

    Sharon Gillenwater

    Sharon Gillenwater is the founder and editor-in-chief of Boardroom Insiders, which maintains an extensive database of the most in-depth executive profiles on the market, from Fortune 500 companies to independent non-profits, to help sales and marketing professionals build deeper relationships and close more deals with clients. Gillenwater is a long-time marketing consultant with expertise in marketing strategy, account-based marketing, and CXO engagement programs.