How Boardroom Insiders' BI PRO platform helped one global SaaS company get the insight it needed to design a compelling and successful C-level event.
For C-level sales and marketing teams, information is critical. We built our latest platform to identify business priorities, find common threads, and discover powerful relationships across your most important accounts.
We had already built a digital database of 30,000+ Executive Profiles, offering our customers a wealth of insight into their target executives. But they wanted more. So we built a platform that runs on a proprietary algorithm and allows our customers to find key insights, valuable relationships, and common threads across groups of executives or accounts. It's the kind of analysis that takes agencies weeks or months to produce, and we found a way to offer it in seconds.
The BI PRO℠ solution leverages the intelligence in our massive database of Executive Profiles to generate analytics and insights that can streamline and amplify your executive engagement strategy.
BI PRO℠ allows you to harness all the power of our BI SIGNATURE℠ platform, plus create unlimited custom projects that give you instant access to:
Our Relationship Mapping tool allows you to uncover connections across your target executives or accounts. You can also see those relationships in context, to help you find the most meaningful connections.
Our Audience Analysis dashboard offers a 30,000-foot view of your target executives, allowing you to discover and analyze what they have in common. It's real and relevant information that takes guessing out of the equation.
Our Business Priority Analysis dashboard offers insight into what's top of mind among your most important accounts. You can also see a breakdown of those priorities by job title, role and function.
By understanding what your target executives have in common, you can identify opportunities for to create content and events that will resonate with your audience. Our Common Threads dashboard makes that easier than ever.
Our research is compiled by an expert, U.S.-based team that uses hundreds of accredited sources, from news outlets to earnings call transcripts and more. It's the kind of insight that allows your team to engage in powerful, value-driven conversations with your most important accounts.
Real Scenarios from Companies Who are Leveraging Boardroom Insiders to Grow Business, Close More Deals and Capture New Markets.
How Boardroom Insiders' BI PRO platform helped one global SaaS company get the insight it needed to design a compelling and successful C-level event.
With a proposal stalling, this IT company used BI PRO and discovered that one of their own directors was a colleague of the CIO they were pitching to and were able to close the deal with that connection.
When a software development company was looking to establish credibility with a new customer segment, it turned to BI PRO to create a plan to add value and stand out from the competition.
Executive recruiters are faced with a difficult task: They have to find the right person not just to join a company, but to lead it. When a national retailer needed a new CEO, the firm behind the search turned to Boardroom Insiders.
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