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    Secret #5 for building strong relationships with C-suite executives: Don’t be afraid

    June 09, 2021

    Strategic executive engagement is a core building block in any account-based marketing strategy. Done skillfully, it can unlock opportunities that can’t be found anywhere else. 

    Founded by ABM experts, Boardroom Insiders provides marketers with leading-edge insights to help them engage more effectively with target executives. In that work, we’ve learned five secrets for forging lasting connections with C-suite executives.

    Secret #5: Don’t be afraid

    C-suite executives are always looking for ways to solve their problems. And by and large, the executives you target really don’t want you to fail. 

    Believe it or not, executives are mostly approachable people. They all started somewhere, and they can often empathize with the hustle of sales and marketing. If you’re marketing a product or service that can truly help them, they’re all ears.

    This isn’t to say you should wing it. Executives can tell right off the bat when you do. Instead, be sure you come ready. Always do your homework, and have a clear vision for how you can solve their problems. Preparation breeds confidence. When you know your product like the back of your hand, good things happen. You can answer any question an executive throws at you. You can keep it high level or get into the details. And you can improvise when the presentation goes off the rails. 

    The takeaway: Once you’ve engaged an executive with personality, consistency and flair, there really is nothing to fear. And fortune favors the bold.

    Did you miss our Master Class Series Webinar where we broke down all of the Secrets for building strong relationships with C-level executives? Catch up here

    want to know learn more about how boardroom insiders can help with your executive engagement strategy? Schedule a free demo today!

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    Lee Demby

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    Lee Demby