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    Female CIOs: Part II

    February 14, 2012
    Two weeks ago we published a list of Fortune 250 CIOs who are women, along with some thoughts about why you should care. This post generated record interest, so we are happy to continue this topic, by completing the list of female CIOs from companies numbered 251 through 500.

    One note: we inadvertently left out Dell's new CIO, Adriana Karaboutis (Dell is ranked 41 on the Fortune list). We also heard about a couple of other CIOs who have moved on, so we corrected the Fortune 1-250 female CIO list. Thanks to all our eagle-eyed readers for helping us out.

    Now for the Fortune 251-500 list:

    261: Norfolk Southern, Deborah Butler

    264: Huntsman, Maria Csiba-Womersley

    272: Ashland, Anne T. Schumann

    277: Caesars Entertainment Corporation, Katrina Lane

    318: Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, Holly J. Morris

    324: Winn-Dixie Stores, Maura Hart

    327: Eastman Kodak, Kim VanGelder

    338: Peabody Energy, Lina Young

    332: Darden Restaurants, Patti Reilly-White

    360: CMS Energy, Mamatha Chamarthi

    362: NiSource, Violet G. Sistovaris

    393: Franklin Resources, Priscilla Moyer

    453: Big Lots, Lisa Bachmann

    454: Con-way, Jacquelyn A. Barretta

    465: General Cable, Coco Taliaferro

    Also note the companies that fell out of the Fortune 500 ranks in 2011 that also have female CIOs:

    Molson Coors Brewing, Karen Alber

    Asbury Automotive Group, Teresa Divine

    Fiserv, Maryann Goebel

    Northern Trust, Joyce St Clair

    P.S. We are not perfect and despite our best efforts to keep this list up-to-date, often changes are made without a timely announcement. If you notice someone missing from this list or see an error, let me know by contacting me at Sharon@boardroominsiders.com.

    Sharon Gillenwater

    Founder, Principal and Editor-in-Chief

    Boardroom Insiders

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