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    Case Study: Best Practices in Account Based Marketing

    September 11, 2010
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    Earlier this year, a Fortune 100 technology company presented us with a challenge: deliver in-depth profiles of 100 customer executives across 10 accounts that would help them do three things: develop closer executive-to-executive relationships, uncover new sales triggers with key accounts, and create more targeted and engaging marketing programs.

    Account teams were skeptical at first. How, they asked, could Boardroom Insiders possibly tell them something they did not know about their own accounts? The results were surprising.
    By profiling multiple executives in-depth, Boardroom Insiders helped account teams get a more holistic view of their accounts' major initiatives, many of which aligned well with what they were selling. They also gained insight into the multiple players who were influencing the decision making process. Insight into personal interests and affiliations also caused them to rethink their executive sponsorship strategy. For example, accounts with a high concentration of ex-military officers should be sponsored by an executive with a strong military or government background. Likewise, they started to look at common employment history and strong connections to alma maters when assigning executive sponsors.
    Now the company is looking at how it can leverage personal interests--such as an affinity for golf, tennis, aviation or other sports--to create networking events that will appeal to their target audiences.

    Every day, more enterprise sales organizations are seeing the benefit of using Boardroom Insiders as their "secret weapon" to shorten the sales cycle with must-win accounts. If you are interested in starting an account-based marketing program, leave the research to us. To learn more, contact Boardroom Insiders today.
    Executive Profiles by Boardroom Insiders

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    Lee Demby