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    Can you help CIOs and CMOs come together?

    August 27, 2013

    A new study from Accenture about CIO/CMO collaboration is getting loads of attention.

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    Despite the now-conventional wisdom that leveraging technology--and the CIO--are critical to a company's digital marketing success, the study found that only 57% of CMOs are interested in working with CIOs. While 77% of CIOs were interested in aligning efforts with marketing, only 45% of CIOs said that supporting CMOs is one of their top priorities. “The biggest disconnect tends to happen in companies where IT is viewed as a commodity and a cost to be contained, rather than a strategic advantage,” wrote Rachael King of CIO Journal

    Another CIO Journal post observed that "There’s really only one person with the authority to break down those barriers and bring the CIO and the CMO together, and that person is the CEO. ...Forward-looking CIOs can do a lot to educate CEOs about the business value of technology, and to enlist CEOs in the work of breaking down those barriers."

    But what about YOU and your company? Do you sell solutions that can help bridge the CIO/CMO divide or increase marketing effectiveness? If so, this new insight into the CIO/CMO challenge could give you the hook you need to get in the door.

    Of course, assumptions can be dangerous. Don't assume that every CIO/CMO relationship is dysfunctional. Best to do your homework on the individuals involved (this is where we come in) and get a good understanding of each person's background, business initiatives and key challenges.

    We have profiles at the ready for Fortune 500 CEOs, CIOs and CMOs and beyond, which will provide you with a nice shortcut on your research. Want to learn more? View 12 full executive profiles now!

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    Sharon Gillenwater

    About the Author

    Sharon Gillenwater

    Sharon Gillenwater is the founder and editor-in-chief of Boardroom Insiders, which maintains an extensive database of the most in-depth executive profiles on the market, from Fortune 500 companies to independent non-profits, to help sales and marketing professionals build deeper relationships and close more deals with clients. Gillenwater is a long-time marketing consultant with expertise in marketing strategy, account-based marketing, and CXO engagement programs.