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    Executive Intelligence: What difference does it make?

    October 04, 2013

    When sales pros hear “the buck stops here,” we all know what that means; our solutions have to pass the “go” or “no go” test of a senior executive. 

    Whether or not we have a direct relationship with the CXO decision maker, we know she will not belabor the decision…if our solution does not serve her priorities, we’ve lost more than a sale.  We’ve lost credibility.

    Sales leaders aspire for all their account managers to have relationships in the C-suite.  But the truth is, only a small percentage of top performers are good at establishing relationships at the highest level of decision making. 

    As a sales leader, ask yourself these questions. 

    • What if all of your sales pros could get in the minds of their account’s key decision makers?
    • How could having this executive intelligence transform all of your “B” performers into “A” performers?

     Here’s a “Before” and “After” look that brings these questions to life.

    describe the image


    Everyone has industry and company knowledge.  Only the smartest (and top performing) sales pros have executive intelligence. 


    funnel redcircle2


    Does your enterprise sales team have the intelligence they need to successfully call into the C-suite? 

    Would you retain more of your top-performers if you provided them the executive intelligence they need to win bigger deals, faster?

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    Lee Demby

    About the Author

    Lee Demby