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    Executive Intelligence: Creepy vs Smart

    October 09, 2013

    CXO insight and information.png

    Sometimes when someone sees one of our Executive Profiles for the first time, we get a response that sounds something like this...

    "Wow, where did you find all this personal information?  This is almost creepy what I now know about ____________."  

    So, when does gathering intelligence on a target decision maker cross the line between "doing your homework" and being "creepy"? The answer lies in your intent and being sincere.  

    Watch this video to better understand how to use personal executive insight in a way that is flattering to the person you are calling on, and how to avoid being "creepy".  

    At Boardroom Insiders, our editorial team spends hours preparing each of our Executive Profiles researching the internet to identify credible public sources.  The sources include everything from SEC filings, to conference videos of an executive sharing their go-to-market strategy, and to the city newspapers where the CxO has divulged their passion for their local football team, rare french wines, and books by Malcolm Gladwell.

    Don't worry about being creepy.  Executives know this information is in the public domain.  Instead, worry about being sincere in your approach and use the personal insight to ask smart questions, provide compelling ideas they will want to pursue with you, and invite them to events you know they will enjoy.  

    Use personal insight to build a peer-to-peer relationship with your executive decision maker. 

    Executive Profiles by Boardroom Insiders

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    Lee Demby