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    What Channel Sales And Blind Dates Have In Common

    March 28, 2014
    blind date.jpg
    It's Friday, and a few folks reading this note will be incredibly anxious.  Why?  Because they are going on a blind date tonight.  But why are they anxious?  
    How To Have A Successful "Blind Date" In Channel Sales

    Here's one big reason. Expectations. Its not because they've never met this person and they don't know what they look like, or even what their high-level interests are.  The mutual friend has briefed them on all of those qualifiers. They are anxious because expectations have been set by the mutual friend and they don't want to fail delivering on those expectations.  

    Are you in an enterprise channel sales environment? Does this sound familiar?  

    When you meet with a potential decision maker that your channel partner has "set up", you already know that you have a lot in common with the the customer.  The success of this initial blind date will depend on your ability to communicate their priorities match up with your offerings...that you are better than what they are expecting.

    Remember these suggestions for your next channel initiated "blind date": 


    Don't be a product jockey.  
    Sure, you've been brought in as product expert. But be consultative and make sure they do 80% of the talking. 

    Know the CXO's priorities.  
    If you are not meeting with the CXO, solving bigger strategy problems will make your customer love you forever.  
    Identify and fill your knowledge gaps to increase confidence. 
    Like you, they've been primed for this meeting.  But don't rely on the channel partner to feed you everything you should know to ask smart quesitons.

    Just like real blind dates, they are hoping you will be interesting and compelling. Someone with whom they want to build a relationship.  When you need help filling your knowledge gaps, identifying CXO priorities, or refining your executive pitch, think of Boardroom Insiders.  Click below for several tips on how to engage a C-suite decision maker.


    Essentials For C-Suite Selling



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    Lee Demby