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    The Sales Accountability Gap: No More Excuses

    September 03, 2014

    Why Our Product Should Make You Uncomfortable

    You've heard the old saying:

    "Be careful what you wish for. You might get it."

    Now consider the workplace version: what if you were given all the tools you needed to succeed in your job? What if most obstacles were removed?

    The answer might make you uncomfortable.

    Because you would have no more excuses.

    You alone would own 100% of your success--or failure. 5863107 s copy

    The sales leaders we talk with every day say executive engagement is a key mandate for their organizations. They hope our executive profile database is the "silver bullet" they are looking for--the tool that will help salespeople position your company as being a worthy participant in the business conversations that CXOs demand.

    But very few have a way to measure executive engagement (it's hard to do) and no system of holding sales teams accountable for doing it.

    This is a sure sign that you're not ready for CXO enagement--and a red flag warning that your intiative will fail despite all good intentions.

    Sure, we can set you up with subscriptions to our database full of in-depth executive insight--and deliver this kind of insight for any customer you want.

    We can give you tips on how to have a business conversation and all sorts of helpful tools such as email alerts and a free ebook, Best Pratices for C-Suite Selling.

    Heck, we're even integrated with Salesforce.com, so your salespeople can access executive insight right inside the platform they use every day.

    So we can take away most of the obstacles to CXO selling. We can tell you who they are, what they care about, what their strategy is, and what they are focused on.

    Which means no more excuses. Remember--be careful what you wish for.

    Because let's face it: if you have no way of holding your sales teams accountable for CXO engagement--or compensating them for it--your CXO engagement initiative will fail.


    Even equipped with powerful tools like ours, most salespeople don't have the patience to develop CXO relationships over months or years. And while the deals are a whole lot bigger, the sales cycle can be a whole lot longer.

    So instead, most salespeople stay in their comfort zone, selling products to the same people to whom they have always sold, keeping your company positioned as a product pusher instead of the thought leader/strategic partner you want to be.

    We would love to take away all of your obstacles to CXO engagament by selling you our suite of tools and services. But first we want to know:

    How are you going to hold your salespeople accountable?

    If you can't answer this question, you're not ready and we don't want your business--not yet.

    Because as great as you might think our offering is, the ROI of something that you don't use is always zero.


    Other helpful articles from our blog:

    Top Five Reasons Why Account-Based Marketing Fails

    Secrets of a Top Enterprise Sales Strategist

    Top 5 Tips for Engaging CXOs



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    Sharon Gillenwater

    About the Author

    Sharon Gillenwater

    Sharon Gillenwater is the founder and editor-in-chief of Boardroom Insiders, which maintains an extensive database of the most in-depth executive profiles on the market, from Fortune 500 companies to independent non-profits, to help sales and marketing professionals build deeper relationships and close more deals with clients. Gillenwater is a long-time marketing consultant with expertise in marketing strategy, account-based marketing, and CXO engagement programs.