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    Boardroom Insiders’ newest product feature takes relationship mapping to the next level

    February 01, 2022

    Every company is trying to find an edge, to get a foot in the door and to influence big deals. 

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    The key for C-level sellers and marketers? Relationships. 

    We knew that when we built out our BI PRO platform. One of its most popular and powerful features is a Relationship Mapping tool that surfaces the most actionable connections across groups of executives or accounts. Now, we’re upping our game and taking that relationship mapping to the next level to help our clients find even more connections to influencers who can help  push their biggest deals forward. 


    After months of hard work by our team of skilled research analysts, the Boardroom Insiders database now includes profiles on every board member of every Fortune 500 company. (Cue fireworks, applause and a big “Hallelujah” from C-level marketers everywhere.)


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    Why is this such a big deal? 

    For one, our customers asked for it. They realized a board connection can make all the difference when closing a major deal and they increasingly requested one-off custom profiles of board members. So, we decided that Fortune 500 board members needed to be part of our core platform and available to every BI PRO customer. Who you know matters, and you stand the best chance of success when you can understand and leverage all possible points of connection. 

    Now, our database of more than 31,000 Executive Profiles (and growing!) is rich with board member data because when our customers ask, we deliver. It’s that simple. 


    Why do board members matter? 

    They may not be your direct point of contact, but they have profound influence over a company’s operations, key decisions and core investments. 

    For instance, when a company is considering a large-scale technology investment, it is often discussed at the board level, with board members with a strong technology background serving as key advisors. Boards are now populated with subject-matter experts in digital transformation and technology, and they will turn to that person for advice on huge technology purchases. If you’re trying to close one of those deals, a valuable board member connection can make all the difference. 

    For smaller companies — who routinely beat out heavyweight competitors for Fortune 500 business — board member connections can be a secret weapon. Find them, and suddenly, you’ve leveled the playing field, giving yourself the same insight that typically comes with massive enterprise teams and limitless resources. 

    Lastly, board member insight helps you sell smarter. Sometimes, your main point of contact on a deal lacks insight into the larger strategies driving the business forward. If you only listen to what they want, you risk presenting a solution the company as a whole doesn’t need. We’ve heard countless stories about companies building deals based on what their main point of contact asked for — only to realize, too late in the process, that it didn’t align with the bigger picture. That is one surefire way to kill a deal in progress. To avoid that, you’ve got to make sure you know what the key decision makers are thinking and talking about. Our profiles can offer that insight, serving as a check and balance during the sales process. 

    How can I make board member profiles work for me? 

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    For any strategy involving board member outreach and connection, you need executive-level buy-in from your own company leaders. If you find an existing relationship, your sales lead can’t be the one to reach out. One-to-one executive engagement is required. 

    At the same time, securing that buy-in is easy when you have a tool that can source board-level connections and insight quickly and reliably. The only thing your executives need to do is make a phone call, drop an email and have a conversation. 


    Since we started Boardroom Insiders, our mission has been to help companies find an edge in C-level sales and marketing and close bigger deals, faster. Access

    ing board members through connections is just another way, and it's becoming an essential part of the toolkit when it comes to your most important strategic accounts.

    You have ABM. You have executive engagement, and now you have board engagement.


    To test drive BI PRO’s Relationship Mapping tool and see our board member profiles in action, schedule a quick, free demo today!

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    Sharon Gillenwater

    About the Author

    Sharon Gillenwater

    Sharon Gillenwater is the founder and editor-in-chief of Boardroom Insiders, which maintains an extensive database of the most in-depth executive profiles on the market, from Fortune 500 companies to independent non-profits, to help sales and marketing professionals build deeper relationships and close more deals with clients. Gillenwater is a long-time marketing consultant with expertise in marketing strategy, account-based marketing, and CXO engagement programs.