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    Welcoming our 2021 Summer Interns!

    June 15, 2021

    No one understands the challenges and tribulations of navigating life in the online world better than students in 2021. Adapting to learning on Zoom, interning virtually and growing accustomed to living this new way of life has been challenging, but this group of students has been up for the test. They’ve been able to ‘go with the flow’ and tackle challenges like we’ve never before seen.

    This summer, we’re welcoming 8 of those students to the internship program at Boardroom Insiders. Over the next few weeks, they’ll gain experience working across various areas, including the editorial, sales and marketing departments. 

    Returning editorial interns, Blaine Cook and Felix Keeler, will serve as Lead interns providing guidance and mentorship to fellow interns while maintaining their editorial duties. 

    Joining our editorial department is Marley Francis, and Elizabeth Sherrill. 

    Our marketing department will welcome Avery Hallmark, and Julia Di Natale will be joining the team as an executive intern.

    We have created a virtual internship experience that we hope will provide rewarding professional development and growth opportunities and meaningful connections for these interns, albeit virtually.  

    And while the challenges of being virtual persist and our interns may not have the opportunity to see each other in person, we’re embracing this opportunity with our interns to learn and grow from one another. Being faced with challenges in this space is nothing new, and overcoming adversity is often how some of the best ideas come to life. We know this will be a productive summer and hope that this group of bright interns will have a great experience. 

    We are very excited to welcome our class of 2021 interns this summer, and we thank them for choosing to spend their summer with us. #LifeatBI

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    Anna Foster

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    Anna Foster