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    What if you could find connections among leaders across key accounts?

    January 23, 2020

    “Who do we know at that company?”

    How many times have you heard that question? For sales and marketing teams focused on the C-suite, that’s where executive engagement begins: You need to find out who you know at the companies you’re targeting, and how you can leverage those connections for maximum and mutual benefit. 

    The problem is, connections aren’t always obvious. You may not realize that your CEO worked with one of your key prospects 20 years ago. You may fail to see the potential for a valuable introduction between two executives on your list of targets. You may miss out on the most high-impact tools sales and marketing teams have in their arsenal: relationships and relevant connections. 

    We knew our customers were looking for a way to bridge the knowledge gap. So we asked ourselves, what if we could find a way to identify relationships across groups of executives and give companies a stronger foot in the door? 

    When we couldn’t find it, we built it. The result is the Relationship Mapping dashboard within BI PRO, our advanced digital platform that leverages the information in our vast database of executive profiles to deliver critical insight about your key accounts. 

    BI PRO’s Relationship Mapping tool helps you identify connections in two key ways: 

    • You can map relationships across a group of accounts or executives.
    • You can also incorporate your own executive team, allowing you to spot connections between your organization and your target accounts. 
    What does that look like? 

    With BI PRO, you can map connections across a group of accounts or executives in seconds, creating an interactive web that looks like this: 

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    The green lines in the map indicate the strongest connections. When you hover over the images in any part of the map, you’ll see a closer view of the relationships at play. 

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    Then, when you click on an image, you’ll see a complete breakdown of how their careers have intersected over time. You can see the companies they have in common, as well as what roles they held at those companies, and when. You can also see the business priorities they share, as well as the board positions they’ve held. 

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    How do you use this information? 

    By mapping relationships across a group of accounts, you can identify opportunities to make valuable introductions, which could go a long way toward building solid executive relationships. For instance, if you can help one of your target customers build a new relationship that yields new revenue opportunities, your status as a trusted consultant increases. 

    Mapping your target accounts against your own executive team can uncover highly effective ways to get your foot in the door. For instance, if you find out your CMO went to college with one of your prospects, you could leverage that relationship for a warm introduction. Have your CMO join the initial phone call or send the first email. You’ll reunite long lost friends and gain access to a key account at the same time. Win, win. 

    In business (and in life), relationships are everything. Finding them is half the battle. We’re making that process easier, with BI PRO. 

    To find out more about how BI PRO can help your sales and marketing teams close bigger deals, faster, schedule your free demo today.   

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    Sharon Gillenwater

    About the Author

    Sharon Gillenwater

    Sharon Gillenwater is the founder and editor-in-chief of Boardroom Insiders, which maintains an extensive database of the most in-depth executive profiles on the market, from Fortune 500 companies to independent non-profits, to help sales and marketing professionals build deeper relationships and close more deals with clients. Gillenwater is a long-time marketing consultant with expertise in marketing strategy, account-based marketing, and CXO engagement programs.